As a player/cheerleader representing the Mechanicsburg Midget Football Association:
I understand that:
- Any participant who intentionally tries to injure another participant will be dismissed immediately.
- Any participant who smokes, drinks alcohol or uses profane language or gestures at ANY time while in uniform or at a Mechanicsburg Wildcats event will be dismissed immediately
- Any participant that purposely humiliates, intimidates or bullies another MMFA athlete or acts in an unsportsmanlike manner toward a fellow athlete, an athlete on the opposing team, coach or official may be dismissed immediately. (See Bullying Policy) If not dismissed from MMFA participation, a first warning may be issued. If a second instance is reported and verified, dismissal will occur after this occurrence
As an MMFA athlete, I promise to:
- Pay attention to my coach(es) and respect their authority at all MMFA functions (i.e. practices, games, banquets, competitions, etc.)
- Treat my fellow teammates with respect.
- Report to all team functions on time, prepared and ready to give my best effort.
- Refrain from using cell phones and other electronic devices at all practices, games and league functions